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Two Free Books From Frank Viola

From time to time we will be giving away copies of books by those who are writing at Wineskins. Last week we gave away a book by Josh Graves & Chris Seidman "Heaven on Earth: Realizing the Good Life Now." Today we are highlight Frank Viola's work by giving away two books. The first is free to all and the second is a book giveaway. Both of these books are proactive, written to help us find a path forward rather than merely describe or criticize problems.Free ebook download (click the picture)FrankViola-DiscipleshipHere is an excerpt from the book,“Christians are rarely if ever taught how to live by the life of Christ who indwells them. So they rely on their own will to be a “good Christian.” In other words, they live by the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil rather than by the Tree of Life.When the Creator planted the garden of Eden, He put two trees in the center of it. Today,these same trees stand at the center of life.The meaning of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil can be understood by the serpent’s promise: “By eating from this tree, you will be making your own decision. You will be like God, determining for yourself what is right and what is wrong.” The fall of humanity was all about women and men assuming the posture that they don’t need anyone to tell them what to do. They would decide for themselves what’s good and what’s bad. They would be self-sufficient and self-determining. Of course, what was ignored in that whole discussion is the tree of life. God wanted humans to eat from the tree of life. Eating from the tree of life meant receiving the uncreated life of God into oneself. The tree of life was God’s own life made accessible to human beings. Today, the tree of life is the Lord Jesus Christ. I am the true vine. . . . As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me. When we receive Christ, we receive the life of God. Divine life becomes ours. Receiving Christ is simply taking the first bite from the right tree.” p. 11Book giveaway (comment to enter) - this giveaway ended in 2014reimagining-churchThis book was written as a followup to Pagan Christianity. Reimagining Church outlines principles for organic/non-institutional forms of Christian community based on biblical principles that Frank has been learning and applying in organic faith communities since the late 80's. Comment below for Reimagining Church and we will randomly select someone from the comments on Friday.