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Updates from Wineskins

There are a few things we wanted to make you all aware of looking ahead. First is the site. Our current site is a magazine style platform that allows us compile articles and issues together in some really great ways. The downside of the way it is structured is that RSS doesn't recognize new articles. An additional issue has been that email subscriptions only work with posts, not articles. That is why, if you have subscribed to the site, you haven't gotten notifications of new posts.We are working on a new layout and new post types that will allow us to keep the magazine functionality while also getting the articles to you via email/RSS. I am sorry for any inconvenience that has caused you and I am happy to say that we are aware of this and are making the necessary changes to address it in the near future with a complete site re-design that will highlight more than just the articles but also the other features we have built and continue to build for the site. Some of the things we have included in the site are:Job board - a place for churches to post ministry openingsForums - a place to discuss a variety of issuesMonthly issues - just like in the past, we continue to host monthly themes that we write toward.Archive of past issues - go and read any article from past issues of Wineskins all the way back to the beginning!And something brand new - Commentary from our writers. We are building a scripture index of all of the posts so that if you want to see what any of our writers past or present have written on a given verse you can easily look it up.Old Testament "commentary"New Testament "commentary"Thank you for reading Wineskins! Let us know if you have any feedback!