Sniffing Out God's Work in the World...

If you have followed Mike Cope's blog for any length of time you may have noticed the subheading of his site "Sniffing Out God's Work in the World..." I love that line and I love the fact that Mike ends that with ellipses. Those three little periods indicate that there is something more. When it comes to God there is always something more going on...something new that if you have your ear to the ground or your nose attuned to the air you will find evidence that God is still very much active in this world and in the lives of people.In the Chronicles of Narnia there is a phrase that is said that just about gives me chills when I think about it...they say that "Aslan is on the move" and that means trouble for the witch and her minions. That means wrongs will be made right and heartache will be replaced with joy. Someone needs to be reminding us that Aslan is on the move. We want in on that conversation here at Wineskins. We are going give more attention to those who hear and see and smell the work of God so they can share it here at Wineskins.One of our goals looking ahead for Wineskins is to highlight missions, non-profits, churches, lectures, ministries, church planters, universities, organizations and conferences where God is making an impact. We want to let them tell their stories so we can both rejoice with them, pray for them and learn from them. In the coming months we are going to be highlighting more and more of these, along with our typical theme articles and we hope you will be uplifted and encouraged by their stories and by what God is doing in their midst.


God At Work


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