Developing Kingdom Leaders: Siburt Institute hosts a One Day Seminar in Dallas

Siburt-Mcneal1The Siburt Institute for Church Ministry is delighted to bring Dr. Reggie McNeal to CitySquare ACU in downtown Dallas. The event will be a half day seminar for church leaders April 9, 2015 from 10am - 2pm.Reggie is a noted author; his books include A Work of Heart; Understanding How God Shapes Spiritual Leaders, Missional Renaissance, Missional Communities, The Present Future and more. And his work as the Missional Leadership Specialist with Leadership Network takes him across the country to teach and consult with leaders.Reggie is releasing a new book in May entitled Kingdom Come: Why We Must Quit Our Obsession Over Fixing the Church and What We Should Do InsteadHis seminar on April 9 will provide a engaging preview with opportunity to interact with him.  We expect Reggie’s time with us to be relevant, engaging, and immensely practical--especially as we think about the intersection of God's kingdom and the practices of leadership.Reggie writes,

“A movement of God is underway that looks to be the most transformative development since the Reformation.  It is the move from a church-centric to a Kingdom-centric ministry approach.  Church leaders making this journey are involved in nothing short of cultural change.  Shifting cultures requires that leaders pay attention to three strategic items that impact every aspect of ministry efforts.”

Throughout the day, Reggie will identify these three components and explore some of the ramifications for leaders who want to steer toward a Kingdom focus. I can't imagine a better event to bring a ministry staff or an elder group to for a fast paced day of learning and development! To find out more and to register please go to . The cost is $40 per person (includes lunch).Share the news with ministry leaders and friends. Spaced is limited so go ahead and register as early as possible.--Carson E. Reed, Executive Director, Siburt Institute for Church Ministry


Pepperdine Bible Lectures 2015 Guests


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