Journey—From Text to Congregation

siburt-journeyACU Preaching Seminar

Sponsored by the Siburt Institute for Church Ministry

For preachers the tyranny of Sunday is that it comes every seven days!  As a person who has preached for over 30 years, I know the dread and the joy of preaching.  Most of all, I know that having good resources and a well-developed preaching schedule makes the all the difference for good preaching.

So I am excited about what we are offering at the Siburt Institute in early January.  We have invited some of our faculty and some noted preachers to speak at an event we call Journey—From Text To CongregationEach week the preacher travels the road between the exegesis of texts and the exegesis of a congregation to prepare a message.  This is a conference designed to help the working preacher develop some meaningful resources to navigate that weekly trip!

Held on the campus of Abilene Christian University, Journey begins on Thursday, January 7 and concludes midday on Saturday, January 9.  For more details, simply click here.  For starters we have Mike Cope, Ken Cukrowski, Mark Hamilton, and Eddie Sharp prepared material on Hebrews, Luke, 1 Samuel, and John.  Attendees will participate in sessions that will open up these texts and develop sermon ideas to be utilized for preaching and teaching.  Worship time will offer opportunities to hear sermons from some of our presenters and discussion times will give attendees an opportunity to interact with the preachers.

Preaching each week is hard work.  I encourage you to come to Journey and find some solid resources to help you as you seek to be faithful to your calling as preachers—week in and week out—for the health and mission of the congregation you serve!

I encourage you to register before December 15 to receive the early bird discount.  If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me at


Carson E. Reed




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