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Recommending Siburt Institute To You

siburt-journeyYou may have noticed this new banner at the top of the site for Siburt Institute's Journey preaching workshop. That banner is there because we believe in what the Siburt Institute is doing and we want you to be informed about their ministry too. Maybe your church is undergoing some new circumstances and it needs some help or maybe you have a minister or an elder who needs some support. The Siburt Institute can help. There are enough resources available today to not leave our ministers, elders and congregations high and dry in difficult times.So what is the Siburt Institute?The Siburt Institute is an extension of ACU that exists to partner with churches and ministers to equip congregations for effective ministry. They provide information and support to congregations in many forms. They provide services that do everything from connecting ministers and churches who are looking at new opportunities and ministry positions (ministrylink) to equipping elders to better serve the congregations they have been appointed to shepherd (elderlink). They also provide up to date research on issues relevant to church leaders (like the minister compensation study). They provide consultation on church issues for church leaders and congregations. Siburt Institute also offers support for ministers and their spouses who are going through difficult situations. If you are a congregation going through a minister transition/hire, have a look at their transition packet. I have read it and it is excellent..a resource for congregations who need guidance in their next hire. That is just a sampling of what they offer.In addition to that they provide excellent theological content in several ways. The main one I want to point out here is their new website Charis. It is very similar to Wineskins in that it is a collaborative site written from a Restoration perspective. Their content is excellent. We aren't in a race here to see who comes in first. We are running hand in hand toward the same finish line and so we want you to know about the excellent content coming out of the Charis website. It will bless you. Read it, share it and be blessed by it!Last, they have a preaching workshop coming up in just under a month at ACU. It is called Journey and some very gifted preachers will be sharing thoughts that will help preachers sharpen their skills and improve their preaching.They are there for you if you need help. Here is their contact page if you need to get in touch with someone.