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Textual Theme: The Book of Acts

IMG_0994Growing up in the Church of Christ I remember hearing on a number of occasions that we are the church that is found in the book of Acts. It seemed to me then and it seems to me know that Acts has a lot to say about what it means to be the community of faith.Here is a novel question that shouldn't be so novel - what if we actually lived out what we find in those 28 chapters?What if we took seriously our call to go from wherever we find ourselves to the ends of the earth?What if we broke down racial barriers and served as a light to the world of what racial reconciliation looks like through our common faith in Christ?What if we took church planting seriously?What if we assembled more regularly?What if fellowship meant spiritual connection and mutuality?What if we hurt and bled for the Gospel?What if we re-envisioned our priorities and possessions around King Jesus and His followers?What if we had the zeal had...the vision they had...the passion they possessed?The world is waiting on us to change it.It might just happen if we truly embraced the message of Acts in what it looks like to be the community of faith.So this month's theme is a textual theme. Let us explore Acts together and what that means for us today.