Dandelion Missiology: Rekindling Our Evangelistic Spirit

Jesus made it clear, the kingdom grows. That is what it does. Silence his followers? The rocks cry out. Throw a seed on the ground...reap 100 fold. Send out 11, baptize 3000. Persecute the church? The kingdom grows the more they scatter.This is dandelion theology or, really, dandelion missiology.The kingdom was designed to grow.Somewhere along the line our evangelistic spirit has fallen prey to all sorts of distractions and distortions. There are all sorts of reasons we could blame for what has taken place and that is a worthwhile discussion on some level. But we often get more hung up on figuring out what is wrong and what went wrong instead of dreaming into a new reality and future.It is time we rekindle our evangelistic spirit. In effect, all we are doing is recognizing and living or leaning into our Kingdom DNA which is pre-programmed for growth. The seed is what it is. It becomes what it is intended to become. We till the soil. We water. We trust. We pray. We serve. We love. We study and disciple. We were actually told to do all of these things but somewhere along the line our form of worship become more of a matter of salvation and call to obedience than did the even more mentioned and commanded call to reach the world and make disciples.


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