Come Experience Love for God and Neighbor at Summit

ACUSummitEvery year since 1906, speakers, listeners, and students have come together in Abilene to hear the word of God proclaimed in what ACU Provost Dr. Robert Rhodes calls “perhaps the single event that best tells our story.” Summit at ACU is an event where Christians connect to hear the word of God preached, fellowship together, and work together to promote and spread the gospel. This year’s Summit, September 18-21, will continue the tradition under the theme “Love God, Love Your Neighbor: Living the Greatest Commandments.” We welcome you to the ACU campus to reflect upon what this means and to explore what truly loving God and neighbor should look like.

Jesus’ words, though centuries old, are still relevant. The Greatest Commandments are, theoretically, simple: Love God. Love your neighbor. Jesus says that “All the law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” (Matthew 22:40, NIV), so until a firm foundation in loving both God and neighbor has been laid, the rest of the law cannot be perfected in our lives. Acting out these commandments, however, can be easier said than done, and at Summit we invite participants to explore practical ways to overcome barriers and truly give themselves over to loving God and our neighbors wholeheartedly.

During the week, you will have the opportunity to hear insightful speakers such as Jerry Taylor, Sara Barton, Jonathan Storment, and David McQueen. These speakers, among others, will focus on what it means to love God and neighbor, and in doing so will open our eyes to places in our own lives where we can love God more fully and serve our neighbors better. We extend a warm welcome to each of you to come explore with us at Abilene Christian University this September. Various class topics ensure that everyone can benefit from Summit. Additionally, we are introducing two all-day tracks, Formation and Medical Missions. Monday, the Formation track will feature guidance for the enhancement and cultivation of spiritual formation. On Tuesday, the Medical Missions track will allow you to listen to those who have served in medical missions, meet with organizations dedicated to global health, and learn about the unique opportunities that Christian medical missions provide. Summit will be full of speakers, classes, fellowship, and even performances, so be sure not to miss it.

Dr. Robert Rhodes believes Summit is an important event because “Alumni, faculty, staff, friends, and students gather from around the world to hear God’s word applied thoughtfully yet boldly to the issues of today. This year’s theme, “Love God, Love Your Neighbor: Living the Greatest Commandments” is uniquely relevant and timely. I invite you to join us on campus for this blessed time together.”

Come, experience Summit at ACU from September 18-21, and be blessed.



Contemporary Christian Conversations


Textual Theme: Paul's Letters