Love Trumps Issues

 Can you imagine Jesus meeting the woman at the well, telling her he was the Messiah, healing this outcast of outcast’s brokenness, allowing her to bring her entire community to him and then a few years later starting a church where she wasn’t allowed to speak about any of that?You may think this is going to be an article about issues but it’s not because honestly, I’m more concerned with how you treat someone who reads that passage and walks away with a different reaction. Because it’s not about on which side of the issues we find ourselves. It’s about how we treat those who see it differently.Whatever your thoughts on this topic or any topic, be patient and kind towards those who see the Bible differently. Don’t judge their hearts. Don’t call their worship service a talent show. Don’t castigate with violent words. Don’t throw each other under the church bus.May we, as followers of Jesus, hear the Apostle Paul when he says in Romans 14 to make every effort to lead peaceful, encouraging lives. We have a responsibility to love and serve each other especially within the household of faith. Even to those who worship or read and apply Scripture differently.


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King of the Septic Tank