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Unconditional Peace

We live in anxious times. Some in advertising say "sex sells" well, anxiety sells just as well if not better. Our world has upped its game when it comes to producing and transferring anxiety. This is true from parenting to politics.The good news is that we have a Savior who is not in the anxiety producing business. He doesn't need anxiety to sell us on his message or to get our attention. Instead, Jesus offers us the opposite. He offers us peace. This is not just the peace of a stilled storm. This is the peace of a life lived often (too often, really) in the storm. Out of our control. Nothing we can do but hold on and listen for that gentle but firm voice that says "Peace, be still."It is a command that comes out of absolute authority...fully expecting compliance. We realize the command is just as much to us as it is to anyone or anything going on around us.Peace, be still.No matter what matter who gets the votes, who is appointed, or who is "in charge" in this world we know who is truly in charge...truly Lord (which means master). He is working to bring us bring us wholeness in the midst of a world that would rather create anxiety than produce peace.We talk about unconditional love. It is time we talk about unconditional peace...peace that isn't determined by our circumstances. This sort of peace can only come from the One we call the Prince of Peace.If your peace is based on who wins the next election then it isn't the kind of peace Jesus offers because it isn't unconditional. It is time we stop allowing culture and circumstance have a stronger pull on our lives than Jesus does.Unconditional peace is our theme for the month of November. I hope this month's issue feeds your soul and reminds you of exactly who you are and whose you are.Peace.