Celebrating 25 Years of Wineskins!

2017 marks the 25th anniversary of Wineskins! Wineskins started back in May 1992 under the leadership of Philip Morrison, Mike Cope and Rubel Shelly. At that time Wineskins was a print publication with some stated purposes that you can read in full from the very first issue here - Wineskins: A Purpose Statement. Wineskins was and continues to be committed to the Restoration Movement and to helping Christians and churches navigate changing times with an unchanging Gospel.In that first issue Mike Cope addresses the question, Why Another Journal? His answer has to do with being a "forum for church renewal" and "fresh awareness of the Holy Spirit" via a variety of content by various contributors. The goal was to make it at least two years and re-evaluate things in 1994.Well, Wineskins continues to carry on 25 years later and the future is bright. I look forward to sharing more of what is in store for 2017 at Wineskins. It is truly exciting and we look forward to collaborating with you this year in making our content even better.So this month and throughout 2017 we celebrate 25 years of Wineskins. This issue will feature some old articles (all 25 years of which can be found in the archive) as well as some new ones and we hope that by the end of the month we can share some of the new things to look forward to in 2017!Thank you for reading and thanks to everyone who has contributed over the years


2017, Rom 15:4-13 & A Plea for Unity (part 2): The Divider-in-Chief

