A Prayer for our Graduates

To our dear graduates,

We pray for you to be as mighty as Samson, the world’s original “Strongman”

as faithful as David, a man after God’s own heart

as dedicated as Nehemiah, who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem

and as patient as Job, who refused to curse God for his suffering.

We challenge you to be as motivated as Noah, who built an ark from scratch

as brave as Esther, who dared to approach the king on behalf of her people

as passionate as Jeremiah, the weeping prophet

as loving as Ruth, who would not abandon her family

and as bold as Paul, who was undeterred by beatings and imprisonment.

We will pray that you will be as encouraging to others as Barnabas, the Son of Encouragement

as busy with good deeds as Tabitha, who spent her life helping the poor

as humble as Moses, whom God called “the most humble man on earth”

and as trusting in the Lord as Abraham, who followed God into unknown lands.

We encourage you to remain as pure as Joseph, who rejected the advances of Potipher’s wife

and when you sin, because we all sin, we pray that you are as eager to repent as Peter, who went out and “wept bitterly”

We are so proud of your accomplishments thus far

and are excited to see what God has planned for your future.

We make you this promise

We will pray for you, love you, and be here for you

as you embark on a new adventure

set an example for others

and as you become more like Jesus.

       -Paula Harrington and Shane Coffman


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