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Ancient Scripture, Future Church: The Choices We Make and the God We Serve

In the book of Deuteronomy, Israel’s choices are laid before them. They stand at a crossroads where they can choose death and destruction or life and prosperity. But what does it mean to truly choose life?Like Israel, we also choose for ourselves whom we will serve. We can turn away and worship false gods or we can choose to follow the one true God of forgiveness, mercy, and love. James K.A. Smith, author of You Are What You Love and one of our featured guests for this year's ACU Summit, writes that this choice is “not magic. Nor is it merely intellectual. It’s a matter of re-forming our loves, re-narrativing our identities, re-habituating our virtue. And that is centered in the practices of the people of God gathered by the Spirit around Christ’s Word and the table.” This choice to follow is radical and life-changing, and we get to experience it together.The book of Deuteronomy is more than a record of the past. It is vibrant, eternal counsel for living faithful Christian lives in our time. Interpreted in the light of the Gospel and fulfilled through Christ’s teaching, Deuteronomy continues to speak to believers today, offering redemptive wisdom for daily living. This divine instruction is not legalistic but a passionate call to heart-centered obedience. It is  a story of a living faith that will continue to inspire and teach our children and those who come after us. Contemporary themes from Deuteronomy show us the importance of trusting in the God of the Ages. And this we do by developing faithful habits of worship, doing justice to every single person, loving our neighbors with our whole hearts and practicing mercy.ACU Summit 2017 will lead studies from this ancient text that will inform the future of the church, and the choices we make as we strive to serve God. We invite you to join us at ACU Summit 2017 from September 17-20. Attend classes that speak to your interests and congregational needs, listen to lessons from Deuteronomy, and partake in fellowship and conversation with others who have chosen to follow after God.May we all choose life.