June: Intergenerational Connection

One of the most popular ministry trends of the last fifty years has been ministries segregated by age. In many ways I am a fan of giving people their "spot" where they fit in and feel at home among their peers. At the same time this can become such an exclusive approach to ministry that the generations develop hard lines between them that are rarely if ever crossed.This is problematic from many perspectives. It is problematic educationally, psychologically, socially, and even biblically. Each and every one of us needs a diversity of connections while still maintaining close peer relationships and interactions.I remember the first time this ever crossed my mind. I was in graduate school, in a class full of 18-22 year olds as the campus ministry was the group and class closest to my age. After listening to a Bible class discussion one Sunday morning it hit me - none of us know what we are talking about and there isn't anyone here with enough experience to help us out!The generations need each other.Let's discuss ways we can better coordinate crossing generational lines and embracing biblical principles that span both testaments and were the bread and butter of congregations at the height of our historical growth.I am looking forward to the conversation! Let us know what you or your church is doing to bridge the generations.


Prayers for Jay Guin and Family


ACU Press at ACU Summit 2017