January 2018 Theme: Everything New

Scripture is full of reminders that God is a God who makes all things new. What we are told at the end of the story, "I am making all things new" (Rev 21:5) is just a summary startement of the previous 66 books of the Bible. From Adam and Eve to God's fresh start with Noah...from Abraham and Sarah having a child in their golden years to Joseph and his brothers getting a fresh start...from the Exodus to the Promised Land...from Exile to return...and finally to Jesus and the resurrection...God is always taking old, worn out, dead things and turning them into new and better things.This month we will focus on the God who makes everything new. I hope this is a good start to your 2018 as we look ahead to new opportunities, new growth and finding life where we once only found death.


Renewing Clarity in Our Congregational Communication


It Happened Again!