
In a world set on convenience, being a Christian is as counter-cultural as ever. How do we live a "take up your cross" life in a world that caters to convenience? When you decide to follow Jesus you become part of the group who are aliens and strangers in the world (1 Peter 1:1, 2:11). When you become a Christian, you come to expect suffering (Philippians 1:29-30). You are called to put the needs of others ahead of yourself (When you sell everything you own and come follow him, you inconvenience yourself (Phil 2:3-4), to bear the burdens of others (Gal 6:2) and many more things that just don't come natural to us.How can we be more inconvenienced for the Lord on a daily basis? How can our flesh and its desires be relentlessly challenged and disciplined in our walk with the Lord? What sorts of things would we need to let go of and what sorts of things would we need to more fully embrace? What people would we need to spend more time with? What might our home look like? Our job? Our family? Our finances?Let's talk about inconvenience this month and challenge each other to grow in the Gospel so that Christ might shine through us without distraction.


Gods and Demi-Gods Video by Patrick Mead


February 2018 E-news from the Siburt Institute