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June 2018 Theme - Learning to Listen

The Bible is full of reminders on the importance of listening to God but how often do we intentionally do so? There are many stories in the Bible where the people failed in their plans because their plans were not initiated by listening to and for God. This happened in Joshua 7 when they entered the promised land and first took Jericho with no problem but second tackled Ai and were defeated. They hadn't inquired of the Lord. They hadn't listened and so they failed.It is important that we learn to listen to the Lord. That is a difficult subject if you think God has chosen not to speak but it isn't so hard if you are open to the idea that God is intimately involved in the affairs of His world. If you pray for God's guidance, then I suggest you are praying for something that you should be able to tune yourself in to pick up on.This is a mystery. I cannot say that I have it all nailed down but I am convinced that we can and should pray for guidance and that God can and will answer that prayer. I am also, then, convinced that we should learn to listen for God's calling and direction. We prayed "guide, guard and direct us" for years - what if God really did and what if we really could pick up on it to know what on earth we were supposed to be doing!?!What would our lives look like if we didn't take any significant step in life without waiting on God's lead? Let's tune our hearts and our ears in to be in tune with God's will and the guidance God is giving us.