ACU's Summit & Still Wrestling

Les Ferguson Jr.・09/05/18

This past April, Leafwood Publishers released my new (first) book,  Still Wrestling--Faith Renewed Through Brokenness.It has been an amazing journey. Not only to write a book, but to survive, thrive, and find the kind of redemption, restoration, and reconciliation only our great God can bring.As I have written elsewhere and often, life can be exceedingly difficult--filled with trauma, heartache, and brokenness. I wish I didn't know that as well as I do, but, God has seen fit to help me help others who struggle too.And I am thankful for that. In sharing my story of tears and pain, God has allowed me to experience a healing I never thought possible. He has redeemed this horrific story and given honor to those we have lost.If you are reading this, there is one thing I am certain of: you are broken too. It may not be as unfortunately obvious a story as mine--splashed across the headlines of your local or even national news, but broken you are.B.R.O.K.E.N.Broken.Broken.It doesn't matter how you emphasize it. It doesn't matter the details. It doesn't matter if it is public or private. It doesn't matter if it is known only to you and God.Broken we all are. By sin. By circumstances. By matters out of our control, we all know some level or degree of pain, sorrow, turmoil, or difficulty. We all know the heartache and fear of uncertainly. We all know the consequences of our own failures as well as the failures of others that impact us directly and indirectly.Can you go ahead and say it with me? I am broken.My book is not the only book that might help you in your struggle. My book is not the only book that can give you a new perspective or a renewed hope. I wish I could tell you differently. I wish I could say the only book you will ever need besides the Bible is mine, but then my brokenness would be even more evident!Thankfully others have written different things to help with every imaginable circumstance. I trust you can find your way to the things you need. However, I'd like to point out a resource that might very well be the encouragement, connections, and fellowship you need to raise above your particular struggle.The following comes from Abilene Christian University's Summit website:

Are you discouraged by what is happening in the world today, and the endless stream of brokenness that seems to prevail in all walks of life? Do you wonder what our response should be to these real-world issues and how we can make a difference amidst the chaos?We invite you to campus Sept. 16-19 for Summit 2018, when we will explore “Wholeness in a Broken World: Together Through the Power of the Spirit,” a study of contemporary issues through the book of Ephesians.

Check it out! There are lots of great opportunities to be encouraged--I'd love to meet you there!Les Ferguson, Jr.Oxford, MS


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