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Donate to Wineskins

Money is a funny thing. Whenever I deal with money with people I always say, people come before money. I don't like to talk about money but sometimes you have to. So part of me says feel free to walk right past this post (I don't like self promotion) but another part of me says this isn't self-promotion this is collaboration in kingdom work...don't walk on by attention to an opportunity to grow the kingdom!I believe in what we do here at Wineskins and our affiliated sites. 2019 is going to be a great year and I don't want money to be a concern in the middle of all the creative things we are working through at Wineskins. I added a Donate button to the right sidebar of the site. This is out of necessity more than anything else. So if you ever feel like helping out you can click that link and make a one time or a regular contribution. This site is a collaborative site and it is going to become that even more in 2019. That means we have a fair amount of overhead for domain names and hosting on the dozen sites that we host. You may not have known that we host a number of personal sites for our writers. We do that because we believe in their giftedness in writing. That all comes at a cost. So let's partner together in this effort through your comments and even contributions if you are able.What is coming in 2019? Here is the short list.

  1. At least one podcast
  2. More youtube videos from various Wineskins writers
  3. Better utilization of our Forums to get more conversations going
  4. Higher frequency of articles than in the past. I hope to average more articles per month than we ever have in 2019. In the past I carried much of that weight but that won't be true moving forward as we get more writers actively writing.

So bring on 2019! It is going to be a truly great year and I am confident that God will meet all our needs as we continue to serve him. For the record we aren't a non-profit but we also haven't made a profit since we started as Jay and I paid the bills the first few years then we got some advertisers on board to offset some costs but we still come in behind each year and I want to turn that around in 2019 first through advertising and second through your donations. Thanks for caring and for reading!If you would like to donate click the button on the right sidebar and help us continue to do what we do!