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Annotated List of Wineskins' Resources

Here are all the resources Wineskins currently offers. All of these are accessible through the drop down menus. Please share what you find helpful with others:


Wineskins Research Reports - Our goal is to do one study per year on various topics in churches of Christ. So far we have done a study on churches that implemented changes on Women's roles and another study on minister health.

Thesis and Dissertation Library - We recently started a list of relevant dissertations and thesis from members of Churches of Christ.


Book Reviews - a list of resources and discussion forum related to book reviews

Children's Ministry - a list of resources and discussion forum for Children's ministry resources.

Singles' Ministry - a list of resources and discussion forum for Singles ministry resources.

Marriage & Family - a list of resources and discussion forum for Marriage & Family ministry.


Commentary - Old Testament - This is an index of past Wineskins articles by verse from the main site as well as current and past Wineskins authors' blogs.

Commentary - New Testament - This is an index of past Wineskins articles by verse from the main site as well as current and past Wineskins authors' blogs.

Books By Wineskins' Authors - A list of books by writers for Wineskins.

ebooks - Free ebooks by various Wineskins writers.


View Jobs - a place to find job postings for churches of Christ looking for a minister.

Submit Jobs - a place for churches to post their job openings with Wineskins.

Manage jobs - a page where churches can edit their listing.

Past Issues

This is a link to the Wineskins archive of all articles back to 1992. The archive also contains some issues of Image magazine.


Bible class curriculum - Thousands of pages of free Bible class materials.

Small group curriculum - Thousands of pages of free small group materials.