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The Words of God: Creation and Torah in Psalm 19 (Part 2)

Wineskins Contributor・04/05/19

Torah’s Words

Israel knows God speaks in other ways than through therising sun and the testimony of the heavens. God has spoken in history, and Godhas acted within history to enter into covenant with Israel. That story is toldin concrete ways–it is written in the Torah. These words are heard, and theyare heard in the assembly of the people of God. Israel has been given the“oracles of God” (cf. Romans 3:2), and this comes in the form of Torah.

“Torah” heads the praise of this divine speech. It is, onemight say, the controlling metaphor for the following descriptions: decrees, precepts, and commandment. Those further terms are couched in theframework of Torah, and Torah is not primarily a legal code but a story thatguides Israel walk with God. Torah is instruction and guidance throughnarrative and story rather than merely specific case-law or isolated commands.

Embedded within God’s story with Israel are guidelines,directions, and formative practices that transform people into the image ofGod. This story:

  • restores the soul; itrenews life

  • makes the simple wise; it guidesthe inexperienced

  • gives joy to the heart; enablesa life free of burdens

  • enlightens the eyes; enablesus to see more clearly

The Torah–the story of God with Israel–provides a path forhealthy, joyful, and wise living.

The colon “making the simple wise” is particularlysignificant. This is the language of Proverbs 1:1-7. There are two paths inlife–the foolish one and the wise one.  But the “simple” are often tooinexperienced to discern the difference. The Hebrew term “simple” does notrefer to mental deficiency but to lack of life experience. The “simple” areeasily deceived, easily driven by desires, and act on impulse rather thancareful reflection. They react rather than respond to situations. Due to a lackof experience, their discernment is impaired or underdeveloped.

The Torah serves as a wise sage to help the “simple” discerngood from evil, make choices, and understand the consequences of the differentpaths life can take. In other words, the Torah–God’s guidance–is for their owngood and for the good of the community in which they live. It is not anoppressive legal chain but divine wisdom spoken for the sake of human healthand well-being.

As a result, the wise response is submission, that is, it isto fear (awe, reverence, trust) Yahweh. The fear of the Lord is the beginningof wisdom (Proverbs 1:7), and this humble submission and reverent respect forGod calls us to embody the Torah’s wisdom in our own lives.It is little wonder, then, that the Psalmist regards God’s speech asmore valuable than gold or silver and sweeter than honey.  This speech isabout life, authentic life. A discerning, wise life has better consequencesthan hoarding gold or silver, and it is much sweeter than the momentary tasteof honey.