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Jesus Loves You, This I Know

Wineskins Contributor・12/20/19

What’s your favorite worship song? Lately, mine has been ‘Jesus Loves Me’. I sing it on Sundays and Wednesdays with kids who know it well and during the week with kids who are learning the words. Anna Bartlett Warner wrote the poem that was put to music sometime around 1862 and it quickly became a church phenomenon.Recently, a friend sent me the video of her barely three year old happily belting out the song unaware of the power it holds and it was adorable. I watched a couple times wishing adults could sing it with the same enthusiasm.We all know it but what would happen if we really got the words? Would we treat that annoying person at work better? Would we let the car cut in front of us during rush hour traffic? Would we welcome the outcast, the immigrant, and the marginalized? Would we go out of our way to connect with them in ways that would bring God glory? Would we shut down gossip with prayer? Would our churches be filled, not with people punching an archaic time clock but with those excited to be with others who believe in the hope that the love of Jesus brings? Would our marriages be rejuvenated? Would our children grow up in homes that continually tell them who they are in Christ? Would we quit relying on politics and start recognizing King Jesus? Would we forgive our enemies? Would our curbs be filled with men and women on fire to proclaim the love of Christ? Would justice be a priority? Would our racism and bigotry be put to death?What if we made it a habit of singing how Jesus loves us, not only to our three year olds but to our thirty-three years olds? It might just change the world and remind us that we will only find our peace, hope, and belonging in his love.Accepting the truth of God’s love won’t take away the pain and depression this world doles out, but it will equip us for the battles. It will remind us who we are in a world that tells us otherwise. We need that. Church, you need to believe how loved you are so you can tell others.Have you been broken and used? Jesus loves you.Are you questioning your worth? Jesus loves you.Are you in the throes of grief? Jesus loves you.Have you been hurt by those who should have been trustworthy? Jesus loves you.Have you lost your faith? Jesus loves you.Are you an outsider that feels like you’ll never belong? Jesus loves you.Are you grieving your childhood? Jesus loves you.Are you overwhelmed with life and it’s endless stream of intrusions? Jesus loves you.Are you angry at God? Jesus loves you.Do you feel like no one truly cares? Jesus loves you.Are you a misfit? Jesus loves you.Have you been hurt by the church? Jesus loves you.I invite you to listen to the words of this song. Sing them along with your Lord until you start to believe them. He’s singing over you.There is nothing more true than the fact that you are loved. You belong. You matter. Ask God to help you believe it.Jesus loves me this I knowFor the Bible tells me soLittle ones to Him belongThey are weak but He is strong.Yes Jesus loves meYes Jesus loves meYes Jesus loves meThe Bible tells me so.Sometimes we just need a reminder of how much we are loved.