He Sent a Baby

Wineskins Contributor・12/21/19

He sent a baby.
Didn't see that coming.
Oh, we knew He would send something, or someone.
And it was going to be awesome...
And terrible.
Truth be told, we deserved "terrible" more than "awesome."
For thousands of years we gave lip service And not much else.
We worshiped ourselves, did our own thing.
We hoped for a king who would destroy our enemies
While overlooking the fact that our sins were just like theirs.
But sending a baby?
What was He thinking?
We wanted a sword swinging
Curse flinging
Doom bringing
King on a big horse.
We got a baby
Born to a not quite married girl
In a nowhere town
In a shabby room.
Maybe we weren't the only ones who didn't see that coming.
The devil didn't seem ready for it either.
I mean, none of it really makes sense.
Baby, nowhere's-ville, father goes absent
Twelve unemployed guys as his posse
Religious people opposing him
Nailed to a tree, naked, humiliated
Right in front of his mother
AWOL from the tomb a few days later.
He came as a baby.
One of us.
Walked with us.
Ate with us.
Loved us.
Told us to do what he did.
And then he told us we're good.
He can boogie now.
And so he did.
Straight up.
What a story.
Not what we were expecting.
But exactly what we needed.
That baby was God and King and Savior.
Who knew?
Not me.
Didn't see it coming.
Thought He come with fire and all cheesed off.
We deserved no less than hell.
He gave us heaven.
That baby. Wow.
He was more than a baby.
Glory to God in the highest.
Peace on earth.


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