Restoring Vision

There must be a lot of churches trying to determine if they met the 2020 vision goals they set however many years back.

Vision is difficult because it is hard to know how to find it and how to be sure you found the right one. How do we know God has directed us in the direction we choose vs other directions? How do we know God is calling us to some things and not other things?

Vision is hard.

Vision is also exclusionary.

Once you have your vision, other things get excluded and it is far easier to be "yes" people. You let fewer people down that way. But who ever said ministry was about letting down the fewest people?

We have to be people of vision. This is hard for us because we are people of the past - the ancient paths and ancient order of things. For those of us who are of a restoration persuasion, vision is backwards-informed forward thinking. That is a hard combination!

We need our vision restored!

We need this in our churches and we have needed this at Wineskins. I believe those two can and do go together...that there are things we need to be about here at Wineskins that can help our churches with their vision.

The vision for Wineskins has been a real wrestling match for me over the last few years. There are so many things I want it to be but you can't do or have everything. You have to get focused.

We will have a variety of articles this month on various topics from various writers but my intention is to lay out a more specific and focused vision for Wineskins during the month of January.

This more focused vision has come through a season of asking God what He truly wants and doing my best to discern where I believe He might be pointing this ministry.

So stay tuned! I am excited about what is ahead and I believe you will be as well.


What Bighorn Sheep can Show Us: Vision, Leadership, and Brooming


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