That’s Church

If you don’t feel like going to church, then don’t go...for you.

Go for the struggling.

Go for the broken.

Go for those grieving the love of their lives.

Go for those raising children.

Go for those who haven’t heard from their children for too long.

Go for those who long for children.

Go for those fighting addictions.

Go for those whose marriages are on the brink of disaster.

Go for the kids and teens who are wrestling with adult sized problems.

Go for the college students who are overwhelmed with the paths before them.

Go for the one awaiting test results that have the power to change their future.

Go for the Gospel.

And when you’re there, don’t let anyone sit alone. 

Smile. Shake a hand or give a hug. Talk about Jesus.

The church needs you and once you’re there, God will remind you there is no place you belong more.

You matter.

You are loved.

You are needed.

Tell others they are, too. That’s Church.


Investing in the Church’s Interior Health


Vision Casting