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How to Start Well

Jim Martin・01/23/20

Ministers who work with congregations might do well to payattention to how they begin.  Workingwith a congregation is much like marriage - it matters how you start.   Thefollowing suggestions may be very helpful if you are beginning a new work.  On the other hand, these suggestions may alsobe helpful even if you have served this congregation for months or even years.

  • Know thatthe congregation wants you to succeed and do well.  Be gracious andappreciative of what they do.  Know thatfor the most part, these people are probably doing the best they know how to dowhen it comes to working with you.

  • Be a studentof the congregation and its history.  Ask questions.  Attempt tolearn names.  If a pictorial church directory exists (either hard copy oronline) take advantage of this tool and review the names of these people.    

  • Get to knowthe strengths of the congregation.  Ask various people, “What are thestrengths of the congregation?  What does this church do well?” (Don’t worry about asking about its weaknesses.  That will come.) Begin by learning what this church values.

  • Be quick tobe curious.  Be genuinely interested inwho these people are and the story of this congregation.  However, be very, very slow to critique.  A critique usually has to be earned and may not be appreciated if giventoo soon. 

  • Know thatupon entering a congregation, people will often tell you things about theirlives that they may not bring up again.  “Yes, we moved here after mydivorce” or “My husband died suddenly two years ago.”  Listen intently andlater make notes.  Otherwise, thesedetails may become a blur within a short time.

  • Credibility hasto be developed over time.  A seminary degree may help to get you “in thedoor.”  However, credibility has to evolve through serving and lovingthese people.  Pray that God will help you see opportunities to do this inpractical ways with this congregation.

  • Get to know eachelder and his wife.  Yes, this will beeasier with some more than others. These relationships are important.  Many have learned, however, the significanceof ignoring these relationships.  

  • Keep arecord of what you do (funerals you attend, hospital rooms you visit,lunches/coffee with people, etc.)  Formany of us, keeping a complete and thorough calendar is sufficient.  It can be so helpful when you need to knowjust how many times you have met with someone or how often you have gone to thehospital.

  • What dothese people like?  Pro football? College basketball?  Local highschool football, basketball, soccer?  You don’t have to become a ravingfan of these teams.  However, if these people were fans, etc. it wouldprobably be helpful to at least know something about their interests.

  • Preaching/teaching. Be down to earth.  People will appreciatethis.  Say something that is helpful, encouraging, etc. Beware of using seminary language (words that only people who go to seminarywould know).  Work on clarity.  These people will appreciate yourattempt to be clear and helpful.  Know that many of these people will listenmore to what you have to say if you demonstrate a willingness to “get yourhands dirty” through practical service.

  • Put your ownrelationship with God first.  Pay attention to basics such as reading yourBible, prayer, etc. 

  • If you aremarried, your relationship with your spouse is so important.  Don’t allow thebusyness in your ministry to cause you to neglect this person.  There isno one person more important in your life and ministry than your spouse. 

  • Be slow about how you characterize people.  Far too often, I have misjudged people.  I thought early on that certain people would become our best friends.  I was wrong.  In time, others became some of our dearest friends.

Jim Martin is Vice President of Harding School of Theology. Jim spent many years as a preaching minister in Texas before taking on that roll. He has spent many years encouraging and developing ministers both in person and through his writing. You can read more from Jim at his blog God Hungry! Jim also has an email list where you can receive encouragement. There is no cost to subscribe, "Jim Martin’s Encouragement Note"

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