Christ & COVID

Wineskins Contributor・05/16/20

What would Jesus do if he were here today? That is hard to answer in one sense because Jesus is at the right hand of God. But in another sense it can be very easy to answer because Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to empower the people of God in the absence of Jesus. We are His hands and feet. The church, in a sense, is the incarnate, Paul would write in Galatians, Christ is formed in us.

We can see what Jesus would do if He were here because in one real sense He is. He is here because we are here. This is not to divinize ourselves. But in a practical sense all you have to do is watch Spirit-indwelt people and you will see what Jesus would do by the work of those the Spirit is empowering to minister to do "Greater things than these" as Jesus said we would do.

I see Jesus singing in hospital parking lots. I see Jesus writing encouraging notes. I see Jesus in the preachers learning tech to get their sermons online and struggling through it every week. I see Jesus in calling all the members of the church. I see Jesus sitting on the front porch with an elderly member (10 feet apart) because they are lonely as their spouse died in the last few years.

I see Jesus in many places right now...but you know where I don't see Him right now? In the church building. Not yet...not yet...not until we meet again...and I hope and pray we bring these "Jesus sightings" back into that room with us so that things will never be the same again and we don't go back to things as they were as if nothing happened.


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