A Vision Bigger Than Getting Church Right One Hour A Week

Wineskins Contributor・06/04/20

I cannot help but wonder if we aren't getting positioned for change in our churches. COVID19 kicked it off. God has our attention. Now we have a lot of visible hurt in the Black community and we grieve injustice. With many churches just now getting started meeting in person and many others getting ready to, what do we do in a time like this?

We pray.

We humble ourselves. Admit we don't know what we are doing and throw ourselves on God's mercy.

We fast.

We put God above all things...that nothing even comes close in importance to God and His will being done on earth as it is in heaven.

Will we finally give up our control game and get God back in his rightful position? In charge?

Of course God is always in charge but he will let us play like we are for a season. When we play like that we lack the power, ability and wisdom to move ahead in meaningful ways.
It is time to get on our knees, ask God what He truly wants and then be willing to do whatever He tells us without apology.

Only then will we bust out of our little box and start seeing the big picture, the opportunities, and finally catch a vision bigger than doing church right one hour a week.


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