What you Want Most Is A Symptom of Who You Really Are

“You’re unlikely to get everything you want. That’s a good thing, because wants are part of what define us.

It’s entirely possible that you’ll get most of what you need, though.

The trick is in being clear about what you put into each category.” - Seth Godin

Isn’t that the truth. Our wants are an outgrowth of our identity and the things we are likely to take action on.

If we want to see the lost saved, that displays part of our identity and will move us to reach out, plant churches and make disciples. We would be asking what sort of things are we doing that are barriers to reaching the lost? Then we would remove them because we want to reach them so badly.

If we want to keep everything exactly as it is (wanting security and stability) we will make every effort to make that happen and that displays something about the inner quality of our life.

Take a good look at your wants and consider what kind of person has desires like yours. Consider if you are ok with, not just the desire itself, but the identity beneath it all.


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