Prayer as A Thermometer for the Soul

Marriage and family therapists often say that frequency of sex can be a thermometer for the health of a marriage. It isn't a perfect indicator but a change in frequency of sex can show that other issues are present.

Intimacy requires connection. Obviously, that expresses itself differently between men and women but you cannot have connection without communication.

The same is true of prayer. If you find yourself praying less it is a good indicator that something isn't right. Maybe you are in a time of depression or anxiety. Maybe busyness has sucked your heart and soul away and make margin for time with God hard to imagine.

It is important in any relationship that is important to us to have consistent communication. To be in touch. To hear and be heard.

Take a moment to consider your prayer life and how in tune and in touch you are with God and if you find it lacking be intentional about setting aside some time each day to increase your connection with your heavenly Father.

He wants to hear from His children!


Prayer During Election Uncertainty


Psalm 103: A Thanksgiving Meditation