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May Theme: The Priesthood of All Believers

I have come to believe more and more in the importance, even essentiality of the priesthood of all believers. We often operate like we have a special class of priests. We do that because we adopted a business model rather than a spiritual model and the Catholic influence on our governance and church structures still hovers over our assemblies.

This is killing us.

It is killing us by stifling the use of gifts of the whole body.

It is killing us by communicating that only special people do special things.

It is killing us because only 10% of our body is functional. Tell me how a body can function at 10% and be healthy?

It is killing us because it is unbiblical.

We must get back to equipping and encouraging everyday people to use their gifts. Ministers must become equippers, coaches and encouragers.

This doesn't mean all the ministers need to be out of a job - we just need to prayerfully rethink how we deploy our staff to make the most kingdom impact.

Welcome to May and a conversation on the priesthood of all believers! This conversation must move from anti-denominational rhetoric to actual practice.