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What Happens When the Few Do the Work of the Many?

If they few do the work of the man, the body of Christ suffers just as if few body parts do the work of the whole body, the body suffers.

Having said that, allow me to ask a few questions:

Is it okay to allow most of our church members to be inactive? Is that faithful?

How do we enact high expectations and accountability to a biblical standard of discipleship without becoming cultish or a new kind of legalist?

What kind of metrics would we need that would actually account for a healthy, functioning congregation/church body?

These are difficult questions that need to be addressed.

Instead of having the few do the work for the many let's flip the script. Don't start with slots that need to get filled. Start with who God has given you. Consider what they do best and what they thrive while they do and put them to work doing that. If someone needs some training, train them. Invest in them. Raise up leaders and send them out.

If people don't know what they are supposed to be doing then let's go back to prayer and study. Ask God to show you what you need to be doing and study the Bible to see what kinds of things Christians are called to do. Find something and apply yourself to it.

We have to get the many doing the work of the many. When that happens, the body will be healthy and healthy bodies grow in healthy ways!