March theme - Moving to the Margins

The church seems to have a desire to be in the center but is that really where the church is at its best? When Rome adopted Christianity, it was never the same. When the church takes on the center of influence in society, too much has to be compromised to maintain that position.

It is hard to use this word but - fortunately, the church is moving away from the center. We need to see that as good news, not bad news because it is where we are at our best. It is so important that church look further and further out into the highways and bi-ways to find the people who are most receptive, most desperate...and where the most fruit can be produced.

This can certainly make us feel a bit uncomfortable but it is absolutely essential that we recognize our change in society position comes with great opportunity!

So welcome to March!


A Fullness of Joy


Why Genesis Should Matter to Christians