Book Review: Blinded By the Bible By Kevin Pendergrass
Many people who grew up with a legalistic concept of the Bible have a lot of reprogramming to do, and it can be very hard to know how to untie the knots that we become comfortable with. We need a trusted guide to show us a better path ahead because there can be many missteps one can take along that journey that can derail one's faith.
A New Vision For Church: The Last Will and Testament of the "Little c" church of Christ
What if the Restoration Movement actually set us up for the next leg for "church" in America? I am going to give you three reasons why I believe the underlying foundation of Churches of Christ can set us up to thrive in the coming years but it won't be easy (it wasn't easy for Jesus or the early church either).

Wineskins.org Is In Transition
I want to make you all aware of some changes coming to Wineskins. Over the last few months I have been praying for God's direction and it has become abundantly clear that it is time for me to transition out of my role running Wineskins. It is a long story and it is all very positive!

Have Churches of Christ Lost Their "Why?"
The initial impulse for a Restoration Movement that resulted in churches of Christ came out of a world of religious division. If the problem was division and the goal was unity, the approach was to achieving that unity was to shed tradition and get back to the basics of the Bible. The idea was that if we all go back to the way things were in the New Testament church then we would find unity.