There is An Article Each Week You May Not Be Getting
I want to make you aware of one new service we are offering at Wineskins. We are now using Mailchimp to send out one email per week that has links to everything we put out in the previous week: blogs, podcast, youtube. Each weekly email starts with a thought for the week that you can only find by subscribing to the email.

In Memory of Lynn Anderson - "He Smelled Like Sheep"
Lynn Anderson is home. Thursday, May 12, a shepherd who “Smelled like Sheep” went home to the Good Shepherd. He was 85. “A shepherd in someone God hungry people want to be like.” - Lynn Anderson

30th Anniversary of Wineskins!
Wineskins started as a print publication May 1992 when Rubel Shelly, Mike Cope and Phillip Morrison launched out to create a magazine within the Restoration Movement that tackled hard questions with humility.

Siburt Institute November 2016 E-news
Dimensions of leadershipThe noted theologian Jürgen Moltmann remarked that in “every period the church has a duty to be clear about its commission, its situation and its goal.”1 These three things – mission, context and purpose – are very significant for congregational leaders. And each of these things can quickly and easily be lost in the rapidly changing world we inhabit.