Poetry Column: September
The Choice I come now to this tenuous junctureWhere I must choose to believe.My breast-fed faithIs weakeningMy presumed and presumptuous tenetsAre eroding like river-run flagstone,Sloughing off like micaIn smoky-transparent sheetsI see no end to this hurting.I feel no confirmation of this hopeI have clutched for these long years;Nor do I require any giftings As brideprice for the unionOf my faith to You.

Poetry Column: August
They brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha (which means “the place of the skull”). - Mark 15:22 They called that place; The Skull; And how true— Here love is stripped; Of all its softness, all Its warmth: Skinned alive, And reduced to A grinning death's head

July 2022 Poetry Column
Do this in remembrance of me. - 1 Corinthians 11:24 Why is it that I can only anchor my thoughts? To what is real. By tying my mind to the jarring reality. Of a nail's impact. On flesh.

Poetry Column: January
I’m grateful for the invitation to write a poetry column for Wineskins, and to share my passion for non-sappy Christian verse (and the connection with Bible passages.) The most oft-printed poem I’ve ever written appears in the Howard Publishing company hymnbook, Songs of Faith and Praise. I offer it here as a (perhaps familiar) introduction to my poetry.