Are you interested in writing for us?

Learn how below.


Our Criteria

Article Workflow

Accepting Articles – Writers will submit articles within the four categories listed above to Once accepted, the editor and writer will agree on the publication date.

Content Creation – The following items are required:

  • Articles must align with Wineskin's statement of faith and have the writer’s signed agreement on file.

  • All articles must be God-honoring.

  • Article stages must be completed on time. If there is a delay in one of the steps, the editor must be

  • notified.

  • All articles must fit one of the four categories.

  • Articles should blatantly talk about Scripture and God.

Editing – The editing of articles will be completed by the Wineskins editing team. All articles must be edited for grammar, doctrine, and format prior to publication. If the editor sees fit for the writer to rewrite or fix something in their article, it must be completed within 1 week of first notice from the editing team. If the article requires citing, use Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) formatting. Editors will ensure that the following are completed:

  • Headers throughout the article

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes are corrected.

  • The information provided in the article is accurate

  • If something is cited, the original content is trustworthy and credible

  • All citing is completed in SBL formatting

  • The article reaches its word count

Marketing – The marketing of each article will be completed on the day of publication. During this time, the marketing team will ensure the photo and description that accompany the article are accurate and appealing. Then, the marketing of the article (which includes the plan on which the article will be publicly debuted) will be established and implemented. We ask that the writer also help promote on their platforms, social media, and email lists (if applicable).

If you have not, please review the criteria for each category prior to submitting article ideas.